Monday, November 7, 2011


This time last year I was preparing for my first house build in a developing country.  I had no expectations, and I had a sense of calm I have never experienced prior to any trip.  I was sad to leave my girls behind, but I knew they were in good hands, and their excitement for me was palpable.  I had a sense that what I learned on this trip would make me a better Mother, better friend, better leader.  I had no idea how much of that would come to fruition.  I could not have imagined how the people I would meet would alter my perception of life, and dramatically change how I would continue to live my life.  El Salvador took me completely out of my comfort North American realism, and immersed me in a community who taught me humility, gratitude and simple joy.
Simple joy.  The joy of meeting a 7-year old girl who would become my shadow.  A girl who put her face inches from mine to figure out these blue eyes of mine.  A girl who wore a clean dress every day, complete with matching ribbon in her dark curly hair.  A girl who tried to be so nonchalant about her interest in me, but failed miserably.  A girl who I will never forget.
Simple joy.  The joy of working side by side with like-minded people who never complained, who laughed effortlessly and who never faltered.  The inspiration of working with people who left their lives in Canada behind, however briefly, to give a family a home.
Simple joy.  Sweating in places I had no idea I could sweat from, and knowing everyone else was too. A cold beer after a day working harder than I have ever worked in my life.
Simple joy.  Giving a small boy (I called him "warrior boy") my lunch, because I knew the pigeon he shot with his sling-shot was dinner.
Simple joy.  Coming home to the house I always thought was too small and only seeing a mansion.

In 10 days I leave for Nicaragua.  I have a sense of what lies before us.  I know the back breaking work that waits for us, and the long days under the merciless sun.  I also know I will fall in love.  More children will enter my heart, and their gift to me will be greater than anything I could possibly give to them.

I look forward to sharing this with my 17-year old daughter.  I hope this graduation gift is something she will never forget.  I know I will never forget sharing it with her.  I am truly blessed.

To those who have helped us make this journey with your encouragement and generosity, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I hope you will see through my eyes and words the great gift you have bestowed on two families in Nicaragua.

Peace and love.  Always.

1 comment:

  1. Really looking forward to following your journey. Thanks for so eloquently sharing.
